2015 FIT Touch World Cup and the UNICEF Vanuatu Appeal
20 Apr 2015 @ 10:08 UTC
The Federation of International Touch and Touch Football Australia are pleased to announce the Official Charity Partner for the 2015 FIT Touch World Cup, the UNICEF Vanuatu Appeal.
Cyclone Pam recently tore through the Pacific, causing widespread destruction in Vanuatu, with as many as 82,000 children in need of humanitarian assistance.
TFA Chief Executive Officer, Colm Maguire, highlighted the strong presence Touch Football has in the Pacific and the importance of supporting our island neighbours, who make great contributions to our game.
“Cyclone Pam has impacted the lives of so many in the Pacific, and we feel it’s important to support and promote it throughout our Touch Football community,” Maguire said.
Secretary General of FIT, Bill Ker, commented on the way the World Cup is ‘bringing together so many nations and differing cultures, including many from the Pacific Region’, recognising that this is a small way of helping the recovery from a truly devasting event.
UNICEF has started its emergency response in the Vanuatu capital of Port Vila, and is now working across the worst hit of the low lying islands.
UNICEF's priorities are to ensure children stay healthy. That means moving medical supplies in and getting clean water to families.
UNICEF Australia Chief Executive Norman Gillespie said: “UNICEF Australia has acted swiftly to respond to the needs of children and their families and will continue to support of Pacific Neighbours on their long road to recovery.”
“We thank the Touch Football community for so willingly lending a hand to the people of Vanuatu when they need it most. We urge you to please donate to the Vanuatu Appeal.”
To donate to the UNICEF Vanuatu Appeal, please click here.