Tri-Series Transcends Barriers
13 Jul 2012 @ 9:53 UTC
During the period 17th to 21st May 2012 the Pakistan Touch Federation hosted a tri�nations series in Lahore between Afghanistan, India and Pakistan. The venue was the Punjab Football Stadium located in the main stadium complex near the heart of Lahore. The main guest for the opening match was Mir Hazar Khan Bajrani, a Federal Minister and President of the Pakistan Sports Board. Other guests included the parliamentary Deputy Speaker, the Regional Secretary and the Director General of the Punjab Sports Board.
During the period 17th to 21st May 2012 the Pakistan Touch Federation hosted a tri�nations series in Lahore between Afghanistan, India and Pakistan. The venue was the Punjab Football Stadium located in the main stadium complex near the heart of Lahore. The main guest for the opening match was Mir Hazar Khan Bajrani, a Federal Minister and President of the Pakistan Sports Board. Other guests included the parliamentary Deputy Speaker, the Regional Secretary and the Director General of the Punjab Sports Board.
Matches were covered by Express TV and footage transmitted live throughout Lahore (3 to 5 cameras). For each match a different main guest was invited including senior government and sporting officials at federal and regional level. Each was accompanied by full protocol with formal introductions and meeting participants.
Results of the matches were:
Game 1: Pakistan 12 v India 4
Game 2: Pakistan 7 v Afghanistan 5
Game 3: India 11 v Afghanistan 1
Game 4 (Exhibition): University of Lahore 7 v India 4
Game 5 / Final: Pakistan 4 v India 1
On Saturday 20 May 2012 a meeting was conducted between FIT and delegates from competing countries to consider issues involved in the formation of a South Asia sub�region. A provisional SATBF sub�committee was formed to be chaired by PTBF President Mr Riaz Fatyana and with Mt Tarsem Sharma from India as provisional Secretary. The prime objective of that group is to develop the sport in the South Asia sub�region and to encourage regional countries to seek FIT membership. The group discussed at length a five�year development plan and will progress that document with a view to submission to FIT as a sport development project for the South Asia sub�region in coming months.
The provisional SATBF considered an event calendar regarding future international competition and agreed to conduct the inaugural South Asia Championships in Pakistan during November 2012, with India to host the subsequent event. The 2012 event is to be preceded by an elite training camp for coaches, players and referees to which delegates from surrounding countries would be invited.