New Look FIT!
29 Dec 2012 @ 5:42 UTC
The Federation of International Touch (FIT) is a modern, vibrant, IT-savvy, and progressive international sporting federation; and in 2013 is looking to launch a new website design to reflect such an image.
The Federation of International Touch (FIT) is a modern, vibrant, IT-savvy, and progressive international sporting federation; and in 2013 is looking to launch a new website design to reflect such an image.
The new site will continue to contain all the current information and functions, as well as incorporate a Tournament Control System (such as that used at the 2011 Touch World Cup & the 2012 European Touch Championships); in addition to an eCommerce site.
It's an exciting time for FIT, and we know members will be equally as excited.
The site is expected to be fully functional by late May 2013.