Touch on Web TV
26 Jun 2011 @ 11:47 UTC
Touch in Italy has exposed itself to a new audience, via the new web TV portal - OVAL BIN - a multimedia portal for all oval ball sports, treated in a new and fresh way. The site will be a reference point for all those passionate "oval ball" sport supporters who are passionate to know more, beyond what standard sport news usually reports.
Touch in Italy has exposed itself to a new audience, via the new web TV portal - OVAL BIN - a multimedia portal for all oval ball sports, treated in a new and fresh way. The site will be a reference point for all those passionate "oval ball" sport supporters who are passionate to know more, beyond what standard sport news usually reports.
Each Monday a new episode of the show will be uploaded. Wednesdays and Fridays will see extended versions and extra content pertaining to what has been seen on Monday also added online. TOUCH of course will also be featured.
Why not check out for yourself.