Gif-Sur-Yvette L1 Coach Course
26 Jun 2011 @ 11:49 UTC
Touch France continued on the path of technical development with the delivery of a L1 coaching course at Gif-Sur-Yvette in the south of Paris on the weekend 20 April-01 May 2011.
Touch France continued on the path of technical development with the delivery of a L1 coaching course at Gif-Sur-Yvette in the south of Paris on the weekend 20 April-01 May 2011.
'Gif', as the small and picturesque village is affectionately known by visitors, is the venue for the annual Paris International Club Tournament conducted in May of each year. The 2011 Gif event will be conducted in two weeks. Participants on the L1 course included the Touch France Assistant Coach to the MXO team entered into the 2011 Touch World Cup in June, and others who have a strong interest in the progress of the sport throughout the country. Many of the participants have an interest in the development of juniors and youth.
An interesting aspect of this course, the third to be delivered in Gif-Sur-Yvette, was the undertaking of qualification by Mr Erick Acker and Ms Linda Acker of their course presenter qualifications.
Touch France will now be able to deliver their own L1 coaching courses, based on the Australian syllabus and delivery processes.