All dates & times below have been adjusted to Europe/London timezone.

World Cup - 2024

Mixed Open - Round 2

United States

# Player P TD
6 Simon Walsh 0 -
1 Anya Lai 0 -
16 Leone Kangethe 0 -
9 Nikki Kenyon 0 -
5 Isaiah Chinen 0 -
11 Kyah Little 0 -
7 Connor Clark 0 -
17 Jacob Powers 0 -
15 Taylor French 0 -
10 Nicholas Cutrell 0 -
8 Scott Nies 0 -
4 Jessica Rollason 0 -
2 Allison Navejas 0 -
14 Jaden Murray 0 -
3 Jade Pond 0 -
13 Sione Letoi 0 -


# Player P TD
16 Zachary Bouzounis 0 -
13 Daniel Langbridge 0 -
9 Jackson Mills 0 -
7 Andrew Searle 0 -
12 Jessica Potts 0 -
2 Patricia Michaelopoulos 0 -
11 James Price 0 -
1 Stephanie Maiolo 0 -
6 Tim Baartz 0 -
10 Mackenzie Davis 0 -
14 James Hegedus 0 -
4 Wilson Groth 0 -
5 Olivia Goodsell 0 -
8 Kai Simbolon 0 -
3 Zara Nicholas 0 -
15 Chris Lennon 0 -
