All dates & times below have been adjusted to Europe/London timezone.


World Cup - 2024

Mixed 30 - Round 3

New Zealand

# Player MVP Pts
1 Tayla-Anne Kiwi-Stok - 5
2 Jordon Rogers - -
3 Reece Glozier - 1
4 Jeda Bartlett - 1
5 Shane Scott - -
6 Elizah Ward - -
7 Zane Welsh - 4
8 Jarrod Powelll - 1
10 Bronson Waaka - 2
11 Sonny Watson - 1
13 Hone Paraone - 1
14 Naomi Ireland-Tupai’i - 3
15 Jarrod Pomare - 1
16 Nat Jull - 1


# Player MVP Pts
1 Kathryn Fry - -
2 Andrew Shaw - -
3 James Smith - -
4 Emily Pollard - 1
5 Darren Broderick - -
6 Bronagh OHagan - -
7 Nicholas Mccavery - -
8 Steve Duddy - 1
9 Risa Egerter - 1
10 Ronan Neill - -
11 Ian O'Malley - -
12 Anna Mallon - -
15 Gareth Elliott - -
16 Paul Gavin - -


  • Jay Alston
  • Rachael Atkins
  • Jordi Bitlloch