All dates & times below have been adjusted to Europe/London timezone.

World Cup - 2024

Mixed 30 - Round 2


# Player MVP Pts
1 Kelly Goodwin - 2
2 Nick Grant - 2
3 Kirstie Wakely - -
5 Lucena Gill - 1
7 Justin Otto - 1
9 Timothy Wilson - -
10 Manu Wakely - 1
11 Nicholas Bale - 3
12 Joseph Herewini - -
13 Tuhoea zoram Watene - 1
14 Cassandra Feldman - 1
15 Ben Hones - -
16 Carly Walsh - 2
18 Matthew Bale - -


# Player MVP Pts
1 Alistair Searing - -
2 Emma Kirk - -
3 William Doyle-Crisp - -
5 Bethan Siddall-Allen - -
6 Jack Secher - -
8 Daniel Jones - -
9 Oliver Morgan-Davies - 1
10 Lowri Lloyd-Hughes - -
11 Bleddyn Williams - -
13 Joshua Williams - -
14 Laura Burton - -
15 Kayleigh Tonge-Jones - 1
16 Morgan Williams - -
