All dates & times below have been adjusted to Europe/London timezone.

World Cup - 2024

Men's 45


Stage Team Date Time Versus Result
Pool B Portugal PRT 16th July 2024 16/7/2024 2:00 p.m. 14:00 England ENG -
Portugal PRT 16th July 2024 16/7/2024 4:30 p.m. 16:30 Ireland IRL -
Portugal PRT 17th July 2024 17/7/2024 9:00 a.m. 9:00 France FRA -
Portugal PRT 17th July 2024 17/7/2024 11:30 a.m. 11:30 Switzerland CHE -
Portugal PRT 18th July 2024 18/7/2024 2:50 p.m. 14:50 New Zealand NZL -
Portugal PRT 18th July 2024 18/7/2024 5:20 p.m. 17:20 Middle East MET -

Player Statistics

Players Number Played P Scores T
Correia, Joao   Joao Correia 1 - -
Miguel, Luís   Luís Miguel 2 - -
Filipe, Antonio   Antonio Filipe 3 - -
Melo, Hugo   Hugo Melo 4 - -
Crespo, Diogo   Diogo Crespo 5 - -
Mota, Francisco   Francisco Mota 6 - -
Alves, José   José Alves 7 - -
Avelãs, Tiago   Tiago Avelãs 8 - -
Gonçalves, Sérgio   Sérgio Gonçalves 9 - -
Brilhante, Rui   Rui Brilhante 10 - -
Couto, Ricardo   Ricardo Couto 11 - -
Lalanda Ribeiro, Luís   Luís Lalanda Ribeiro 12 - -
Reis e Almeida Frazão, Nuno   Nuno Reis e Almeida Frazão 13 - -
Alegra, Bernardo   Bernardo Alegra 14 - -
DiasdaSilva, Goncalo   Goncalo DiasdaSilva 15 - -
Cunha, Paulo   Paulo Cunha 16 - -

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