All dates & times below have been adjusted to Europe/London timezone.

MEN'S 35

World Cup - 2024

Men's 35 - Round 6

Papua New Guinea

# Player P TD
Sorry, there are no player details available yet.


# Player P TD
2 Deian Thomas 5 -
9 Colum John 6 4
12 Michael Hall 6 -
15 Daniel Rees 2 1
8 Shane Rees 6 -
6 Leighton Campbell 6 1
4 Adrian Scourfield 5 1
1 Geraint Havard 6 1
5 Dewi Williams 6 1
11 Thomas Jones 4 1
13 Stephen Williams 6 2
10 Adam Davies 6 -
7 Andrew Fairclough 6 2
16 Nathan McCartney 6 1
3 Ross Grey 5 -
14 David Watkins 3 -


Referee appointments for this match will be announced at a later date.