All dates & times below have been adjusted to Asia/Kuala_Lumpur timezone.


World Cup - 2019

Women's Open - Round 9


# Player MVP Pts
1 Mathilde Henry - 1
4 Cecile Mas - 3
5 Anne-Blanche Bourcier - 1
6 Raphaëlle Kulis - -
7 Morgane Estève - -
8 Anaïs Audouard - -
9 Maé Sirieix - 1
10 Marie Henry - 2
11 Nadia Quemener - -
12 Manon Lombard - -
13 Claire Grisez - -
14 Meryl Dubertrand - -
15 Karolina Zalewski - 2
16 Caroline Notta - -


# Player MVP Pts
1 Ashley Boudeville - -
2 Jennab Zulkifly - 1
3 Mathilde O'Dell - -
4 Jasmine Ng - -
6 Sophie Anne Parkhurst - -
7 Farah Sahira - -
8 Intan Rebecca Jay - -
9 Georgina McKavanagh - -
10 Imogen Walden-Harris - -
11 Malihah Naureen Binti Syamsir Ali - -
12 Sharifah Farisah Syed Azlan - -
13 Lily Williams - -
14 Danielle Potts - -
15 Kylie Compton - -


Referee appointments for this match will be announced at a later date.