All dates & times below have been adjusted to Asia/Kuala_Lumpur timezone.

MEN'S 40

World Cup - 2019

Men's 40 - Round 8

New Zealand

# Player MVP Pts
1 Jason Puddle - 2
2 Scott Grant - 3
4 George Jahnke - 1
5 Mitchell Seebeck - 2
6 Rodney Birch - -
7 Benjamin Page - -
8 Craig McHerron - -
9 Jonathon Mason - -
11 Grant Robertson - 3
12 Shamos Hunter - 1
13 Nigel Heath - 2
14 Mark Elliott - 3
15 Wayne Innes - 1
17 Andre Robinson - 1

United States

# Player MVP Pts
1 Michael Flexman - -
2 Gregory Wilkinson - -
3 Nathan Fekete - 1
4 Harold Newton - -
6 Martin Scherzinger - -
7 Christopher Mc Bride - -
8 William Earley - -
9 Paul Ayers - -
10 John Dwyer - -
11 Gary Brown - -
13 Himesh M Goonetileke - -
14 Martin Baxter - -
15 William Thomas Tilson - -
16 Benedict Kelly - -


Referee appointments for this match will be announced at a later date.