All dates & times below have been adjusted to Australia/Sydney timezone.

World Cup - 2015

Mixed - Round 3

South Africa

# Player P TD
1 Raqib Siljeur 1 1
5 Telise Cousins 1 -
2 Bronwyn Krause 1 1
6 Jarrod Powell 1 -
4 Brendan Walpole 1 1
3 Danielle Ferrar 1 -
13 Paige Saunders 1 -
11 Mark Dand 1 -
7 Seagyn Davis 0 -
8 Moegamat Tauhir Theys 1 -
16 Hannah Rachel Maujean 1 1
10 Grant Rex 1 -
14 Neda Isaacs 1 1
9 Gareth Hayden 1 1
15 Mogamat Ikraam Essop 1 -
12 Dirk Johannes Vlooh 0 -


# Player P TD
58 Pascal Frech 1 1
3 Robert Kalman 0 -
6 Svenja Strotta 1 -
16 Yvonne Giesen 1 -
54 Jörg Schlossmacher 1 -
53 Udo Haberich 1 -
35 Corey Baker 1 -
7 Henning Brammer 1 -
26 Francisco Javier Revilla Linares 1 -
59 Vaughan Brown 1 -
10 Victoria Jancke 1 -
2 Ute Katharina Kohlheim 1 -
1 Matthew Elliot 1 1
33 Alexandra McOnie 1 -
40 Katharina Urban 1 -


Referee appointments for this match will be announced at a later date.