All dates & times below have been adjusted to Pacific/Port_Moresby timezone.


Pacific Games - 2015

Mixed Open - Semi 1


# Player MVP Pts
1 Tasipale Cordtz - 2
2 Jesse Leituvae - 1
3 Eteuati Togiatoamai - 1
4 Rapi Vaai - 1
6 Peter Hazelman - -
7 Filoa Eneliko - 2
7 Michael Rasmussen - -
8 Alex Mikaele - -
9 Lote Lima - 1
10 Lepa Faaiuaso - -
11 Vaipuese Leota Beckett - 1
12 Eden Yandall - 1
13 Gabrielle Apelu - 1

Cook Islands

# Player MVP Pts
1 Anguna Andrew (Andy) Kapi - -
1 Julieanne Westrupp - -
2 Benjamin John Heather - -
2 Sunielia Tom - -
3 Ngatupuna Hiro (Puna) Joseph - 2
4 Teiti-O-Tera (Tieti) Tupuna - -
5 Setephano Noovao - -
6 Apii Rau - -
9 Lou-ani-Marie (Alex) Marsters - -
10 Hemilda Tereapii (Apii) Vavia - -
13 Teava Terangi - -
13 Taromi Urirau - 4
14 Hugh Jerome Tangaroa Henry - -
14 Ngapare (Pare) Noovao - -


Referee appointments for this match will be announced at a later date.