All dates & times below have been adjusted to Europe/London timezone.


World Cup - 2024

Mixed Open - Playoff


# Player MVP Pts
1 Emilio Grattarola - 2
2 Anna Melmoth - -
3 Molly Morris - 1
4 Catrin Jones - 3
5 Amelia Rees - -
6 Kyle Owen - -
7 Sam Williamson - 1
8 Owen Carroll - 1
9 William Smith - -
10 Daniel Roberts - -
11 Callum Richards - 1
14 RACHEL Thomas-Evans - -
15 Emily Towns - 3
16 Oscar Healy - 2


# Player MVP Pts
1 Jerome Mazars - -
2 Maxime Poirier - -
3 Astrid Vellet - 4
6 Marius Poirier - -
7 Rachel Le Bihan - 2
9 Aurélien Anthouard - 1
10 Rémi Bosc - -
11 Carla Mayon - -
12 Aubin Dominese - 1
13 Charline Montagnat - -
15 Maeva Manicacci - -
16 Joséphine de Labaca - 1
23 Andrès CHAFFAUT - -
36 Félix CHASSAGNE - -


  • Michael Donato
  • Gregor Wightman
  • Riley Wotton