All dates & times below have been adjusted to Europe/London timezone.


World Cup - 2024

Mixed 30 - Quarter 4


# Player MVP Pts
3 Loïc Grelin - -
4 Jules Revais - -
5 Mylène Mounier - 1
6 Allison Bouvier - -
7 Emilie Belondrade - 2
8 Erwann LeGendre - -
9 Christophe Lafourcade - -
10 Paul Dejean - -
11 Arnaud Rayer - 1
15 Thomas Mounier - 1
17 Camille Secher - -
18 Marion Radomski - -
33 Marine Nury - -
81 Alexis Errard - 1

New Zealand

# Player MVP Pts
1 Tayla-Anne Kiwi-Stok - 4
2 Jordon Rogers - -
3 Reece Glozier - 1
4 Jeda Bartlett - -
6 Elizah Ward - -
7 Zane Welsh - -
8 Jarrod Powelll - -
9 Amiria Clark-Manahi - -
10 Bronson Waaka - -
11 Sonny Watson - -
12 Micheal Pomare - -
13 Hone Paraone - -
15 Jarrod Pomare - -
16 Nat Jull - 4


  • Nakedi Malesa
  • Julien Martin
  • Lee Rossow