All dates & times below have been adjusted to Europe/London timezone.

MEN'S 30

World Cup - 2024

Men's 30 - Playoff


# Player MVP Pts
1 Adrien Villiers - -
2 James Smith - -
4 Benoit Laveau - -
5 Simon Underhill - 2
6 Jason Sturzenegger - -
7 Alexandre KERVINIO - -
9 Gareth Cox - 1
10 Neil Walsh - -
11 Matthew Conway - -
12 Jack Wilkinson - -
13 Richard Watts - -
14 Louis Reyes - 2
15 Andrea Frattolillo - -
16 Jean-Marc DWORIANYN - -


# Player MVP Pts
1 Pim Graafland - 2
2 Thibaud Baley - -
3 Aedan Crossan - 1
4 Samir Boutaleb - -
5 Vincent Westerhof - -
6 Arko Hoondert - 1
7 Jules Risser - -
8 Daniel Guinness - -
9 Seb Cheng - -
10 Jack Biddulph - -
14 Bradley Bonafacio - -
15 Regan Kirk - -
16 Christopher Hatch - 2


  • Fergal Evans
  • Phil Holliday
  • Chin January Hong Ting