All dates & times below have been adjusted to Asia/Kuala_Lumpur timezone.


World Cup - 2019

Mixed Open - Round 3


# Player MVP Pts
2 louis Bougrat - -
3 Astrid Vellet - 2
5 Maxime Poirier - 1
6 Allison Bouvier - -
7 Alexandre Hubert - 2
8 Baptiste Deblaise - -
9 Marie Raberin - 1
10 Jean-Francois BAURÉ - 2
11 Anthony Guegan - 1
12 Quentin Rosenstiehl - -
13 Charline Montagnat - -
14 Damien Alexandre - 2
15 Bénédicte Cazergue - -
16 Maël Pin - 1

South Africa

# Player MVP Pts
1 Deevan Du Plessis - -
3 Justin Van Der Net - -
4 Neda Isaacs - -
6 Shakeel Sait - 1
7 Liam Meynell Abrahams - 1
8 Thabo Motsumi - -
9 Leigh Norton - 1
10 Scherren Elizabeth Long - 2
11 Kabelo Sepharatla - 1
12 Dirk Johannes Vlooh - -
13 Daniel Knoesen - -
14 Courtney Graaff - -
15 John Henry Payne - 1
16 Michaela Geytenbeek - -


Referee appointments for this match will be announced at a later date.