All dates & times below have been adjusted to Asia/Kuala_Lumpur timezone.


World Cup - 2019

Mixed 30 - Round 4


# Player MVP Pts
1 Mui Luan Choo - -
3 Lee Sanders - -
5 Simon Beesley - -
6 Erwan Cesbert - -
7 Ming Li Cheah - -
8 Sophie Mirosevic-Sorgo - -
9 Joan Julia - -
10 Zhao'en Chan - -
11 Graeme Mcpherson - -
12 Edna Marie Ng Shuhui - -
13 Roxana Pavich - -
14 Romain Francis Jacques Saussey - -
18 Shino Kusunose - -
20 Aftab Aziz - -

New Zealand

# Player MVP Pts
1 Evelyn Tudehope - -
2 Tamati Fraser - 2
3 Noel Edmonds - -
4 Michael Rawiri - 1
5 Josh Harrison - -
6 Todd Nicholas - -
8 Katie Bradley - 3
10 Zane Welsh - 4
11 Carl Shepherd - 1
12 Mark Tudehope - -
13 Raelene Kuka - 1
14 Jasmine Gray - 1
15 Emma Edmonds - -
16 Jason Broughton - -


Referee appointments for this match will be announced at a later date.