All dates & times below have been adjusted to Asia/Kuala_Lumpur timezone.


World Cup - 2019

Men's Open - Round 7

Cook Islands

# Player P TD
Sorry, there are no player details available yet.


# Player P TD
14 Rosendo Manucduc Jr 8 8
3 Dominik Foord-David 6 4
4 Timothy Schenken 8 2
15 Darren Gehrke 8 10
12 Mark Panes 8 2
10 Keith Inocencio 3 -
13 Christopher Williams 8 21
9 Raphael Hickman 8 3
7 Allan Shine 8 9
6 Mark Roberts 8 7
16 Carl Kristian Majabague 4 3
11 Jacob Parnell 8 2
8 Ken Corbett 8 3
1 Jan Alcon 4 1
5 Kevin Monaghan 7 2
2 Mark Cecil 8 5


Referee appointments for this match will be announced at a later date.