All dates & times below have been adjusted to Australia/Sydney timezone.


World Cup - 2015

Mixed - Round 7

New Zealand

# Player P TD
14 Mark Hodson 1 1
13 Clayton Ngawharau 0 -
15 Connah Pamatatau 1 3
7 Tiwi Davies 1 -
11 Jaymin Ormsby-White 1 1
2 Rachel Stephenson 1 -
3 Courtney Chapman 1 -
1 Wiremu Takerei 1 1
9 Gareth Young 1 -
4 Aleisha Berryman 1 3
16 Nicole Drummond 1 2
6 Phoenix Hunapo 1 2
10 Jeremy Locke 1 2
8 MacKenzie Haugh 0 -
12 Ariia Tainui 1 -
5 Tina Ashworth 1 2


# Player P TD
16 Eddy Gusmerini 0 -
3 Julie Rieu 1 1
9 Aude Greil 1 3
8 Yannick Bizec 1 1
4 Sébastien Bagalino 1 1
14 Damien Alexandre 1 -
11 Arnaud Rayer 1 -
7 Pauline Fourmond 1 1
12 Quentin Rosenstiehl 1 1
6 Christophe Lafourcade 1 3
13 Charline Montagnat 1 2
5 Mylene Mounier Lombardi 1 -
15 Thomas Mounier 1 -
1 Vincent Martin 1 2
2 Joanna Castell 1 -


Referee appointments for this match will be announced at a later date.