All dates & times below have been adjusted to Australia/Sydney timezone.


World Cup - 2015

Mixed 30 - Qualifying 2


# Player P TD
11 Sarah Grimmer 1 -
5 Frits Kohler 1 -
9 Laurens Ramondt 1 -
3 David Bond 1 -
15 Gabrielle Appleton 1 -
12 Guilhem Vincens 1 -
14 Tismark Inja 1 -
6 Wilhelmus Alexander Apperloo 1 -
7 Naz Bahri 0 -
2 Neil Appleton 1 -
1 Masayo Tateno 1 -
13 Paul Black 1 -
8 Hester Williams 1 -
4 Brent Davis 1 -
16 Andrew Napper 0 -
10 Lisenka te Lindert 1 -


# Player P TD
8 Hana Hapaki 1 -
13 Steven Manetoa 1 -
14 Des Sofaea 0 -
11 Edward Simamao 1 -
3 Irene Talagi 1 -
12 Zackri Smith 1 -
2 Oh'dell Tupetagi 1 -
0 Leslie Lagatule 0 -
9 Tania Warren 1 -
4 Rhonda Togipau 1 -
5 Gibson Talagi 1 -
1 Kristofferson Pasene-Lakatani 1 -
16 Clautina Roebeck 0 -
6 Jacqueline Talagi 1 -


Referee appointments for this match will be announced at a later date.