All dates & times below have been adjusted to Australia/Sydney timezone.

MEN'S 35

World Cup - 2015

Men's 35 - Grand Final

New Zealand

# Player P TD
7 Eli Doornenbal 1 1
6 Troy Skinner 1 1
9 Brendon Stewart 1 1
5 Mitchell Seebeck 1 2
13 Riki Best 1 -
10 Craig McHerron 1 2
4 Scott Grant 1 1
2 Darran Robson 1 2
14 Corey Tauwhare 0 -
11 Campbell Buchanan 1 1
8 Marcus Girvan 0 -
15 Philip Adams 1 1
12 Wiremu Richards 1 2
16 Gary Franklyn 1 -
1 Leon Skinner 1 2
3 Heston Potaka 1 1


# Player P TD
Sorry, there are no player details available yet.


Referee appointments for this match will be announced at a later date.