All dates & times below have been adjusted to Europe/London timezone.


World Cup - 2011

Mixed Open


Stage Team Date Time Versus Result
Pool D Wales WAL 22nd June 2011 22/6/2011 9:30 a.m. 9:30 Netherlands NLD Won 8-0
Wales WAL 22nd June 2011 22/6/2011 12:50 p.m. 12:50 Ireland IRL Won 12-5
Wales WAL 23rd June 2011 23/6/2011 8:40 a.m. 8:40 Scotland SCO Won 6-4
Wales WAL Bye Bye -
Wales WAL Bye Bye -
Pool A Wales WAL 23rd June 2011 23/6/2011 6:40 p.m. 18:40 New Zealand NZL Lost 2-15
Wales WAL 24th June 2011 24/6/2011 9:30 a.m. 9:30 Australia AUS Lost 2-18
Wales WAL 24th June 2011 24/6/2011 1:40 p.m. 13:40 South Africa ZAF Lost 9-14
Wales WAL Bye Bye -
Wales WAL 25th June 2011 25/6/2011 10:00 a.m. 10:00 Jersey JEY Lost 4-6
Cup Finals Wales WAL 25th June 2011 25/6/2011 4:00 p.m. 16:00 Jersey JEY Won 6-3
Wales WAL 25th June 2011 25/6/2011 8:00 p.m. 20:00 New Zealand NZL Lost 0-20
Wales WAL 26th June 2011 26/6/2011 12:00 p.m. 12:00 South Africa ZAF Lost 4-11

Player Statistics

Players Number Played P Scores T MVP V
Seymour, Martyn   Martyn Seymour 1 8 2 2
Thomas, Adrian   Adrian Thomas 2 10 1 -
Woodward, Dafs   Dafs Woodward 3 6 1 -
Matthews, Natasha   Natasha Matthews 4 9 1 1
williams, Adam   Adam williams 5 9 3 2
Baird, Emily   Emily Baird 6 9 3 3
Smith, Holi   Holi Smith 7 7 2 2
Revell, Gareth   Gareth Revell 8 10 20 18
Welch, Phil   Phil Welch 9 10 4 1
Gruffudd, Siwan   Siwan Gruffudd 10 10 2 6
Phillips, Jade   Jade Phillips 11 8 - -
Wilkinson, Sophie   Sophie Wilkinson 12 10 3 4
Lawson, Thea   Thea Lawson 13 8 1 1
Evans, Tomos   Tomos Evans 14 8 4 4
Shaw, Calum   Calum Shaw 15 9 1 -
Azman, Faiz   Faiz Azman 16 9 5 -