All dates & times below have been adjusted to Europe/London timezone.


World Cup - 2011

Mixed Open - Round 4

New Zealand

# Player MVP Pts
1 Awhina Savage - 4
2 Jordon Rogers 1 -
4 Kimo Houltham - 1
5 Cooper Edmonds 3 3
6 Tabitha McKenzie - 1
7 Tiwi Davies - 2
9 Grant Robertson - 1
10 Jeremy Locke 1 4
11 Toia Tiwha - -
12 Sean Brown - 1
13 Tara Mako - 2
14 Matthew Stockman - 1
15 Lauren Ensor - 1
16 Phoenix Hunapo - -


# Player MVP Pts
1 Emily Bannon - -
3 Jonathon Ralfe - -
4 Thomas Arpigny - -
5 Erik Boman - -
6 Guillemette Vachey - -
7 James Bannon 1 -
8 Olivier de Zélicourt - -
10 Johannes Müller - -
11 Simon Dechamps - -
12 Sarah Leleux - -
13 Anneleen Verhaeghe 1 -
15 Laragh Widdess 3 -
16 Daphne Galle - -
17 Helen Cadwallender - -


Referee appointments for this match will be announced at a later date.