All dates & times below have been adjusted to Europe/London timezone.


World Cup - 2011

Mixed Open


Stage Team Date Time Versus Result
Pool B England ENG 22nd June 2011 22/6/2011 8:40 a.m. 8:40 Catalonia CAT Won 19-1
England ENG 22nd June 2011 22/6/2011 12:50 p.m. 12:50 Australia AUS Lost 1-16
England ENG Bye Bye -
England ENG 23rd June 2011 23/6/2011 8:40 a.m. 8:40 Niue NIU Drew 3-all
England ENG 23rd June 2011 23/6/2011 1:40 p.m. 13:40 Switzerland CHE Won 7-2
Pool B England ENG 23rd June 2011 23/6/2011 6:40 p.m. 18:40 Guernsey GGY Won 11-2
England ENG Bye Bye -
England ENG 24th June 2011 24/6/2011 2:30 p.m. 14:30 United States USA Won 8-3
England ENG 24th June 2011 24/6/2011 5:50 p.m. 17:50 Scotland SCO Won 6-1
England ENG 25th June 2011 25/6/2011 11:00 a.m. 11:00 Niue NIU Lost 4-5
Cup Finals England ENG 25th June 2011 25/6/2011 4:00 p.m. 16:00 Australia AUS Lost 1-14
England ENG 25th June 2011 25/6/2011 7:00 p.m. 19:00 Niue NIU Won 6-4

Player Statistics

Players Number Played P Scores T MVP V
Hill, Clare   Clare Hill 1 10 4 3
Lee, Jamie   Jamie Lee 2 4 - -
Hogg, Alison   Alison Hogg 3 9 1 4
Hobson, Clark   Clark Hobson 4 9 4 4
Reid, Adam   Adam Reid 5 9 6 2
Kearins, Patrick   Patrick Kearins 6 10 11 4
Friend, Kris   Kris Friend 7 10 12 6
Godde, Sue-Ellen   Sue-Ellen Godde 8 10 2 1
Lacrosse, Ludi   Ludi Lacrosse 9 4 1 -
Profke, Luke Alan   Luke Alan Profke 10 10 6 1
Acheson, Sarah   Sarah Acheson 11 10 3 2
Warren, Zoe   Zoe Warren 12 10 6 1
Miemczyk, Ryan   Ryan Miemczyk 13 10 6 10
Forde, Noel   Noel Forde 14 9 3 -
Keeman, April   April Keeman 15 8 1 -
Kavanagh, Kevin   Kevin Kavanagh 16 8 - -