The act of awarding a cap is now common place across the international arena and is applied to many sports. Actual caps are not always given anymore, but the term "cap" for an international or other appearance has been retained. Thus, a cap is awarded for each game played and so a player who has played X games, for the team, is said to have been capped X times or have won X caps.
Originally awarded only to players; the sport of Touch has recognized coaches, assistants and managers as contributing greatly to the player's efforts and as such are awarded caps. Other support staff such as Medical, Head Coach etc. are recognised as having represented their country in the year the Test was played but do not receive caps. This honour is also bestowed only upon those at an Opens/Masters level.
Unfortunately the list of representatives is not all inclusive as many teams failed to register their Managers and Coaches over the past years. In addition, players have changed their names and may appear several times so duplication is a possibility for all teams, as well as misspelt names.
Many countries own records may not agree with those published. Countries have played friendly games between themselves and records have not been made available to FIT. If there are errors or mistakes then please have your National Association advise the Federation.
American Samoa | |
Australia | |
Austria | |
Belgium | |
Catalonia | |
Canada | |
China | |
Chile | |
Cook Islands | |
England | |
Fiji | |
France | |
Germany | |
Guernsey | |
Hong Kong | |
Hungary | |
Ireland | |
Italy | |
Japan | |
Jersey | |
Lebanon | |
Luxembourg | |
Middle East | |
Netherlands | |
New Zealand | |
Niue | |
Papua New Guinea | |
Philippines | |
Portugal | |
Samoa | |
Scotland | |
Singapore | |
Solomon Islands | |
South Africa | |
Spain | |
Switzerland | |
Tahiti | |
Thailand | |
Tokelau | |
Tonga | |
Tuvalu | |
Unites States of America | |
Wales |
Australia | |
Cook Islands | |
England | |
Japan | |
Lebanon | |
Maori | |
New Zealand | |
Niue | |
Norfolk Island | |
Samoa | |
South Africa | |
Thailand | |
Tonga |
* This page last updated 09 April 2019