Despise them or love them — referees are an integral part of the sport of Touch and need to be recognised for their dedication, training, coaching and the efforts they put into their part in making the sport the success it is today.
Peter Rooney organised the first Referee organisation whilst the sport was still in its infancy back in 1977 by forming the NSW Touch Football Referee Association. Keith Page was its Patron and as the NSW Rugby League's leading Referee he bought a wealth of experience to the group.
The Association was formed to coincide with the staging of the inaugural NSW Sate Cup and other states in Australia soon followed when they saw a need to hold state based and regional championships. A National body was formed and it followed that the international scene would follow suit, however this did not happen. Head Body's decided that a separate group should not be autonomous from the Central Organisation so Referee groups became sub committees of the National, State and Regional Associations.
The Federation subsequently adopted this model and has a Referees Panel as a Sub committee for the Head Body.
Referees are equally recognised as Players, Coaches and Managers, with the attached documents displaying their appointments at an International level and the number of representative caps they have attained respectively.
This page last updated 01Nov18